Drought Risk and Drought Response in Morocco: Vulnerability, Risk Perceptions and Drought Coping among Rainfed Cereal Farmers


Drought Risk and Drought Response in Morocco: Vulnerability, Risk Perceptions and Drought Coping among Rainfed Cereal Farmers

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dc.contributor.author Travis J. Lybbert en_US
dc.contributor.author Yoko Kusunose en_US
dc.contributor.author Nicholas Magnan en_US
dc.contributor.author Abdelaziz Fadlaoui en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2011-05-19T16:14:43Z
dc.date.available 2011-05-19T16:14:43Z
dc.date.issued 20090430 en_US
dc.identifier droughts.pdf en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/31912
dc.title Drought Risk and Drought Response in Morocco: Vulnerability, Risk Perceptions and Drought Coping among Rainfed Cereal Farmers en_US
dc.subject.ONDHClassif 03.06. Désertification, Sécheresse en_US
dc.subject.ONDHClassif 03. Développement durable, Cadre naturel, Environnement, Infrastructures et Territoires en_US
dc.contributor.institution Agricultural and Applied Economics Association en_US

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