Deterring corruption and improving governance in the urban water supply and sanitation sector : a sourcebook


Deterring corruption and improving governance in the urban water supply and sanitation sector : a sourcebook

Afficher la notice simple élément 2011-05-19T15:55:01Z 2011-05-19T15:55:01Z 2008 en_US
dc.identifier 0075Deterring corrupt and improv gov in the urban water supply and sanitation sector - a sourcebook2008.pdf en_US
dc.source en_US
dc.title Deterring corruption and improving governance in the urban water supply and sanitation sector : a sourcebook en_US
dc.subject.ONDHClassif 11. Gouvernance et développement participatif en_US
dc.subject.ONDHClassif 11.01. Gouvernance, Aspects généraux, eGouvernance en_US
dc.subject.ONDHClassif 03. Développement durable, Cadre naturel, Environnement, Infrastructures et Territoires en_US
dc.subject.ONDHClassif 03.05. Eau, Eau potable, Ressources en eau en_US
dc.subject.ONDHClassif 03.10. Assainissement en_US
dc.contributor.institution Banque Mondiale en_US

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